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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 179-302

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Computation of the Integral of the Bivariate Normal Distribution Over Convex Polygons

A. R. Didonato, M. P. Jarnagin, Jr., and R. K. Hageman

pp. 179-186

A Modification to the Discrete $l_1 $ Linear Approximation Algorithm of Barrodale and Roberts

Stephen C. Banks and Howard L. Taylor

pp. 187-190

A Test of Moving Mesh Refinement for $2$-D Scalar Hyperbolic Problems

William D. Gropp

pp. 191-197

An Algorithm for Computing the Matrix Cosine

Steven M. Serbin and Sybil A. Blalock

pp. 198-204

Estimating Matrix Condition Numbers

Dianne Prost O'Leary

pp. 205-209

Use of the Singular Value Decomposition with the Manteuffel Algorithm for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems

Paul E. Saylor

pp. 210-222

Tetrahedral Finite Elements for Interpolation

Oscar Buneman

pp. 223-248

Automatic Computer Code Generation for Hyperbolic and Parabolic Differential Equations

Björn Engquist and Tom Smedsaas

pp. 249-259

Collocation with Polynomial and Tension Splines for Singularly-Perturbed Boundary Value Problems

Joseph E. Flaherty and William Mathon

pp. 260-289

Least Absolute Deviations Curve-Fitting

Peter Bloomfield and William Steiger

pp. 290-301

Erratum: Numerical Computation of the Schwarz–Christoffel Transformation

Lloyd N. Trefethen

p. 302